Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Soccer time

With school comes fall ball. MolliBeth is starting her 3rd season of soccer and loves it. Harrison is playing for the first time. He argued that he wanted to play baseball, that not being an option he is playing soccer. MolliBeth had her first practice last Tuesday and Harrison last Wednesday. They both really like it. MolliBeth doesn't enjoy the sweating, but Harrison could care less. Their games start on September 8th for anyone interested in attending. I can't wait to see Harrison in action for the first time.


Jay Beerley said...

Yay you finally blogged again!!! :) Glad to hear that MolliBeth and Harrison are doing so well. If they're anything like Andrew, they act a lot better for their teachers than they do for you. Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

They look so cute, especially that little first-time soccer player! Cate wants to know where the picture of her is! You know, it's all about Cate!