Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas party

We had our first annual Christmas party this past Friday and I thought it was a blast. I know that some may have thought that the games were corny but I thought it added to the excitement. Sometimes adults have a hard time letting loose and I think the games helped that issue. As you can tell from the photos, those who were able to attend had a great time and those who were missed, well, we did miss you, but maybe next year.
James Maxwell was a "sweet gangster" sporting the pink UK hat that he had chosen in the wonderful game of Dirty Santa. And yes ladies and gentlemen that is Danny Davidson, Auburn Tigers fan, with a Kentucky Wildcats hat on.

Sickly boy

Well, I had to publish this one. Harrison has Asthma and then he hurt is neck from a certain little girl pushing him off the couch. That is what playing "rough" will get you sometimes. I thought it was hilarious that he had to lay on a heating pad and get a neb treatment at the same time. I now understand that men truely are the weaker sex and it starts at a very young age.


For Halloween we decided to forgo the trick-or-treating and head over to the Harvest Festival aka Trunk or Treat. The kids always have a blast and we get to hang out with our wonderful church family. Molli Beth was Ariel and Harrison was the ever strong Spiderman. Trunk or Treat is a great way to turn this secular Holiday into church fellowship and focus on Jesus. I helped with face painting using the colors Gold, Black, Red, Green and White and telling kids about Jesus. What a great opportunity. It was so uplifting.
The kids also enjoyed seeing some of their favs, Makayla Baker, Rebekah and Michaela Hines. They love those girls!

Molli Beth and Carah had their picture made with Snow White, aka Hannah Swindle at her trunk. They thought that was fabulous.