Thursday, February 28, 2008

At some point between Christmas and now my sister and brother-in-law came for a short weekend visit. It is always fun but interesting how my children react to having company in the house. Sometimes I think we could set up blow up people and the would have a strange behavior about them. I can't believe how grown-up my baby girl looks. Anyway, we had a great visit and here is just a small momento of the visit.

Retrospective Post

I do have one cute moment to share. Molli Beth is embracing her academics and loves to tell me about every day's lessons. On Presidents day she learned about Abraham "Linconton" she called him and they make a hat a beard. I thought this was precious and had to share.

Okay, Okay, Okay! I have been harrassed enough. I am finally blogging. I know things have happened since Christmas, but my brain will not allow me to go back that far. No major events have occurred so I will pick up here at the end of February. You are only missing the stomach bug/flu and I think that description and/or pictures are a bit much.

So today we enjoyed a snow day. We even managed to make a small, yes, very small snowgirl. Her name was Molli, imagine that. We then enjoyed some hot cocoa and then a bit of bouncing off of the walls. Really, they (the kids) were not as bad as expected. They even both took naps. About 30 minutes after returning from the snow adventure, Harrison began to run a fever. So the saga ends that tomorrow I am taking him to the doctor to see if he has the flu or not. He has almost every symptom described as the flu, so I would like to somehow prevent the rest of the family from getting it.